Thursday, December 20, 2007

Journey Through Acts (Acts 19)

Read - Acts 19

My Key Verse - Acts 19:2 The first thing he said was, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed? Did you take God into your mind only, or did you also embrace him with your heart? Did he get inside you?” “We’ve never even heard of that—a Holy Spirit? God within us?”

My Reflection - Sometimes I feel we live in a culture that has embraced God with their minds but not in their hearts. Many people acknowledge there is a God and a Jesus, but those same people haven't embraced following Him wholeheartedly.

Paul talking to the church at Ephesus here asks them if God got inside them. That really freaks a lot of people out. Many have never been challenged in the manner Paul challenges this church here. I think it is a great question to ask ourselves, "Are we following God with our head or our heart?"

My Prayer - Lord, tonight I embrace you with my heart. Live fully within me. Reign over me. Be my Lord.

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