Friday, March 21, 2008

Taking The Cut Up A Notch

Ok friends...nitty gritty time...I feel a fast/spiritual awakening time coming on. If I'm going to do what we are about to do then I'm going to need His presence and fire in me more than ever.

This is going to be a 50 day push beginning tomorrow, March 22nd, and will end May 10th. Here is what I feel God challenging me to do. Don't worry I'm really asking him if He is sure.

I'm going to do my best to chronicle this here. I believe that will challenge me.

If anyone else out there feels like they could accept this challenge, or even part of it, let me know. I could use a partner to help keep me honest.

The Details:

  • Cut back to 50 blog subscriptions. And once a week on my fast day not read any of them. Today, I cut it back from 115 to 50. Don't worry Bill I still have both of yours in there...although Batterson, Noble, Arment, Stevens, Morgan, Furtick, and Lamb didn't make the cut. I figure enough people follow them and they wouldn't miss me for 50 days. This was a brutal one for me. I have made so many friends and it was hard to narrow down to who to cut and not cut. If you didn't make it don't take offense. I am also not reading my twitter friends feed during this time. It's just gotten too big for now. (Why not cut them all out? Glad you asked...cutting this amount is almost the equivalent of that. It's like drinking water for me for a day.)
  • Read through book of Acts twice during this time. I'm also going to read through Visioneering by Andy Stanley. No other books unless I get some on Multi-Sites.
  • Fast one day a week from eating. Only drinking water for a 24 hour period. 7 weeks=7 days
  • Pray one hour a day. 50 days = 50 hours
  • Cut back on the Podcasts I listen to. Not sure how this one is going to shape up just yet. But I already cut out 10 subscriptions on it at the time I'm writing this.



I see where you are going with this.
God is calling you to another level.

I'm with ya Jay.

Jason Curlee said...

Cool Dave...Let's Do It.