Great things are happening with our launch of a Bay Area Five Points Campus. This campus has a prime mission to reach the Calallen/TM and surrounding area by extending the vision of Bay Area Fellowship.
*** Due to the initial response of our meeting, our house is no longer able to handle the size of the meeting. We will be moving the meeting to Bay Area Fellowship. Click [HERE] for map.
The meeting will immediately follow the Friday night SPONTANEOUS meeting that begins at 6:30 pm. Pastor Bil was led this week to have a spontaneous revival beginning Wednesday to Friday. Read about it on his blog [HERE]. Each night’s meetings begin at 6:30 and will end around 8:00.
This is perfect for our meeting as you will get to see just exactly where God is leading Bay Area, as well as give you an idea of who Bay Area is. Our meeting to follow will be a time where we will then meet with Pastor John Atkinson and me to field any questions you may have about our upcoming Five Points Campus launch.
After the service, I will be next to the information table and we will go from there.
If you have any questions feel free to email this week and I’ll try and provide you with any details. Make sure to let me know you will be there.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Friday Night Core Meeting
Posted by
Jason Curlee
10:58 PM
Labels: Bay Area Fellowship, Church Planting
My Big Announcement
In case you missed it on my other blog I made my big announcement.
Oh yeah, John Atkinson made the announcement as well. Go check out his blog to read where we are headed.
We're gonna charge hell with a water pistol fire hydrant.
Posted by
Jason Curlee
10:32 PM
Labels: Bay Area Fellowship, Church Planting, Life Church, Personal
Journey Day 10
Today is day ten of my 50 day spiritual journey.
Prayer Time - 60 Minutes
Prayer Reflection - Great Time In Prayer
Bible Time - Acts 10 Amplified Version
Scripture - Acts 10:24 And on the following day they entered Caesarea. Cornelius was waiting for and expecting them, and he had invited together his relatives and his intimate friends.
Scripture Reflection - Cornelius not only what to hear but he invited others to hear as well. He invited his main circle of influence. I think it is important that we are aware of those that are closest to us and that the possibilities of their relationship with God may start with us.
Book Reading - Visioneering pages 117-121
Book Reflection - These four pages end the chapter called The Power of Vision.
Great thought in the book: "Powerful relating consists of grasping a vision of what God has in mind for someone and the faith to believe that the vision could become a reality." - Larry Crabb
My Prayer - Lord, lets rock this area and speak vision into the lives that are here.
Posted by
Jason Curlee
9:45 AM
Labels: Journal
Needing Balance
I am off today...but not off. I have several things I need to do. Working a full time job and launching a church demand both a lot of time and energy.
Probably one thing I will have to do, and something my wife has said, is set boundaries and manage our time.
One thing I saw happen through the past year is that my relationship with my wife has grown. Through the hard time we bonded together. We shared our frustrations together. We are not perfect but I believe we are closer now than ever.
God has also brought some great friends into my life. It is amazing the people who said they were going to be there for us. "Where are they again?"
For what is about to go down....I'm simply PUMPED!
Posted by
Jason Curlee
9:34 AM
Labels: Thoughts
Blogs With Benefits 1
When I began blogging, I really didn't know what I was getting in to. I had a friend who had moved off to pastor a church who had came back and showed me his blog and how I could keep up with him.
I thought it was perfect since I was in transition as well. It would be a great way for all the wonderful people at my previous church to be able to keep up with what I was doing.
Little did I know there were some positive benefits to blogging. It is probably one of the reasons I feel every pastor/ministry leader should blog.
- Relationships - Ministry can be very lonely if you are not careful. Not only that but in some churches networking with other pastors is not an easy thing to do. Through blogging I have developed friendships not only across the country but throughout the world.
- Therapeutic - Blogging for me is a way of centering my thoughts and filtering them on "paper". It allows me to write some of my frustrations as well as share many of my joys. Of course you have to be really careful what you write though, as once you hit that publish button it is out there for everyone to read.
- Educational - When I first began blogging, I didn't have a clue there were some great blogs where I could get instantaneous information. Many pastors post what their days and weeks are like. Churches post some of the creative elements they create. Pastors share their successes and failures. Imagine if we could have read what the Apostle Paul went through on a daily basis.
[Photo Credit]
Posted by
Jason Curlee
9:03 AM
Labels: Blogging
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Journey Day 9
Today is day nine of my 50 day spiritual journey.
Prayer Time - 80 Minutes
Prayer Reflection - I spent a lot of time just worshiping and singing before the Lord. It is so awesome what He has done. I also spent time praying over the city, Pastor Bil, John and the staff at Bay Area Fellowship.
Bible Time - Shame on me....I allowed the day to slip by.
Scripture - None
Scripture Reflection - None
Book Reading - None
Book Reflection - None
My Prayer - Lord, help me order my day for success.
Posted by
Jason Curlee
9:26 AM
Labels: Journal
Whoop Bass
Guess I'm going to have to take up fishin' now....and get out a can of "Whoop Bass"
Too Funny...Thanks Ed Young.
Teach us all that life can be fun in ministry.
Posted by
Jason Curlee
9:12 AM
Labels: Miscellaneous, Video
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Journey Day 8
Today is day eight of my 50 day spiritual journey.
Prayer Time - 30 Minutes...may have been up to 45 to an hour as I prayed some while I drove as well as throughout my going through the day.
Prayer Reflection - We were out of town at an all day tournament and about 20 minutes into my prayer time that I carved out I started to feel not so good.
Bible Time - Acts 8 Amplified Version
Scripture - Acts 8:1 AND SAUL was [not only] consenting to [Stephen's] death [he was pleased and entirely approving]. On that day a great and severe persecution broke out against the church which was in Jerusalem; and they were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles (special messengers).
Scripture Reflection - We often fear persecution but it was persecution that actually spread the Word and made the church move out. I wonder if they would have been their own special club in Jerusalem like so many churches are today if it weren't for this.
Book Reading - Visioneering pages 113-112116
Book Reflection - These four pages are in the chapter called The Power of Vision.
As a father it is vital that I cast vision to my children. Vision is so powerful coming from people we respect. It draws us and captures our imaginations and then engages our hearts which gives us a sense of purpose.
My Prayer - Lord, use me to speak purpose into my children's lives.
Posted by
Jason Curlee
11:00 PM
Labels: Journal
Friday, March 28, 2008
Is This It
Is this my big announcement????
Posted by
Jason Curlee
10:35 PM
Labels: Personal
Journey Day 7
Today is day seven of my 50 day spiritual journey.
Prayer Time - One Hour
Prayer Reflection - The prayer time was broken up through the day but this evening I prayed for about 25 minutes and it was so good...just praising and thanking God for what He is doing.
Bible Time - Acts 7 Amplified Version
Scripture - Acts 7:49 Heaven [is] My throne, and earth the footstool for My feet. What [kind of] house can you build for Me, says the Lord, or what is the place in which I can rest?
Scripture Reflection - What so awesome is that Heaven is His throne and the earth is His footstool yet He lives in my heart.
Book Reading - Visioneering pages 109-112
Book Reflection - These four pages begin the chapter called The Power of Vision.
Imagine if we realized the power of our words and how they can paint a vision for every relationship we may have. Words have the power to point people in a set their life's course.
As a leader this is especially true. We have the potential to chart the course of our organization or family by the power of the words we speak over others lives.
My Prayer - Lord, help me to maximize others around me. Help me to always be thinking and hearing what You may want to speak to others through me.
Posted by
Jason Curlee
5:24 PM
Labels: Journal
Thursday, March 27, 2008
My Announcement-Well Maybe
It's coming soon...nobody even tried to guess on my last hint. Of course it is relation to the church God has been leading us to launch.
How about another hint? Read This.
That one might make it really easy. Maybe still haven't officially heard.
Posted by
Jason Curlee
8:10 PM
Labels: Church
Journey Day 6
Today is day three of my 50 day spiritual journey.
Prayer Time - One Hour
Prayer Reflection - Tried to begin the rhythm of early morning. Prayed about 30 minutes then more two and from work.
Bible Time - Acts 6 Amplified Version
Scripture - Acts 6:7 And the message of God kept on spreading, and the number of disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem; and [besides] a large number of the priests were obedient to the faith [in Jesus as the Messiah, through Whom is obtained eternal salvation in the kingdom of God].
Scripture Reflection - The message kept spreading and the disciples multiplied. Why can't more people and more churches get this? IT IS ABOUT NUMBERS. If we are doing what God has called us to it will be about numbers. And not just is now multiplying. That is why I love this idea of multi-sites. You are no longer adding but are multiplying.
Book Reading - Visioneering pages 103-107
Book Reflection - These four pages end the chapter called Going Public II.
Late...not gonna update this.
My Prayer - Lord, I pray more people would go on a journey like this. Work on me being more in tune with you. Help me to hear what you are speaking to me during this time.
Posted by
Jason Curlee
7:18 AM
Labels: Journal
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Journey Day 5
Today is day three of my 50 day spiritual journey.
Prayer Time - None...My day didn't work out at all for me
Book Reading - Visioneering pages 99-102
Book Reflection - These four pages are in the chapter called Going Public II.
The problem engages the mind, the solution engages the imagination, but the compelling reason engages the heart. You must be convinced of what your vision should be before you can effectively cast your vision. Run your vision through two questions: What Difference Will It Make? and Why Should I Attempt This?
My Prayer - Lord, help me to stay strong on this journey and stay focused.
Posted by
Jason Curlee
11:19 PM
Labels: Journal
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Journey Day 4
Today is day three of my 50 day spiritual journey.
Prayer Time - One Hour
Prayer Reflection - Two things I felt God say into my Spirit. "See my glory revealed in you." It was as if He was saying...I'm going to make all the wrongs right and that all I needed to do is let Him be God.
Second was I asked Him what are next move was with the church. "Sit and watch". Now I know that wasn't me...I actually had to ask twice. I'm am not a sit and watch...I'm a run and do. I'm a planner and implementer...I felt Him saying to "sit and watch" what He will do.
Bible Time - Acts 4 Amplified Version
Scripture - Acts 4:8 Then Peter, [because he was] filled with [and controlled by] the Holy Spirit, said to them, Rulers of the people and members of the council (the Sanhedrin),
Scripture Reflection - Much is put on being filled with the Holy Spirit....but is it time we allow the Holy Spirit to control us. Powerful thought. Peters words came because he gave control to the Holy Spirit. Do we want the filling but remain in control? What would our lives look like if we gave total control? This is probably what truly making Him Lord of our lives would look like.
Book Reading - Visioneering pages 95-98 (there were some blank pages before this that's why the numbers skipped)
Book Reflection - It's late I read but I'm not going to update this.
My Prayer - Lord, pour out your Spirit and Fire in me.
Posted by
Jason Curlee
11:30 PM
Labels: Journal
My Announcement
Well, a lot of people know already the announcement about our church plant. At least those on my team. I've been thinking about already sharing it with everyone. Although what would be fun about that. The announcement will be coming sometime this week. But iff you feel like guessing here is a hint:
[Here] is the first clue.
And Bill and David you can't guess.
Posted by
Jason Curlee
9:38 AM
Labels: Church
Monday, March 24, 2008
Journey Day 3
Today is day three of my 50 day spiritual journey.
Prayer Time - One Hour
Prayer Reflection - Today was a little harder. It was my first time in a while getting up to pray at six. I had to fight off tiredness and I felt a little off in prayer rhythem. I didn't spend the time to reflect that I did the previous day but it felt good to start my day off this way.
Bible Time - Acts 3 Amplified Version
Scripture - Acts 3:4 And Peter directed his gaze intently at him, and so did John, and said, Look at us!
Scripture Reflection - One of the reasons the church is not being effective is because it is not gazing intently into the community. We say we want change and impact but yet we are so far removed from the issues. We hare living in our fancy houses driving our fancy cars and I feel we are saying "look at us" but are we directing our gaze into our community.
Book Reading - Visioneering pages 89-92
Book Reflection - These four pages end the chapter called Going Public I.
Vision must present the solution. Since it is what we are seeing in the future it answers the problem and ignites our imagination as to what can be.
Vision must be clear in us. It must be a burned in image. If not we will not be able to translate that to others. When the pictures and images that fill the mind and hear of the visioncaster are accurately transferred to the minds and hearts of the audience, the vision has been cast.
A team whose imaginations are aligned and hearts are knit togther by what could and should be is a powerful team who can truly acheive more.
My Prayer - Lord, I pray more people would go on a journey like this. Work on me being more in tune with you. Help me to hear what you are speaking to me during this time.
Posted by
Jason Curlee
3:10 PM
Labels: Journal
Reverse Church
What if the primary church really was the home groups and we all came together on Sunday in a mission oriented reach out mindset?
Church Upside Down
Posted by
Jason Curlee
11:44 AM
Labels: Church
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Bracket Challenge Day 4
With Round 2 In The BAG...nothing much changed from Day 3 to Day 4. This weekend is my favorite of the whole tournament. But with two weekends to go anything can happen.
At The Ragamuffin Bracket Challenge - Tied at 1 of 125 with 36 right picks - See The Standings
In the Church Planters Bracket - Tied at 2 of 140 with 35 right picks - See The Standings
At Making Difference Makers - Tied at 4 of 21 with 32 right picks - See The Standings
Posted by
Jason Curlee
7:35 PM
Labels: Miscellaneous
Journey Day 2
Today is day two of my 50 day spiritual journey.
Prayer Time - One Hour
Prayer Reflection - This time I spent the last five minutes just listening. I really felt God say "I am here" and that I need to keep pressing in. He has always been there I just need to reposition myself to sense and hear Him more.
Bible Time - Acts 2 Amplified Version
Scripture - Acts 2:1 AND WHEN the day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all assembled together in one place,
Scripture Reflection - This probably ties in a little with yesterday's reflection. God didn't give them a time it would happen, He just gave them a command to wait. I wonder if it felt like an eternity. I wonder if they sat there day after day wondering what was going to happen.
What I do see though is that they were together in one place. I almost want to say that the place wasn't just about being in one location although it was for them. I think that you could say that they were united and in purpose they were all in the same place. Imagine if today's church could do that. I think it will only be possible when everyone coming actually gets in the same place. To many people in church don't know why they are there and many are there for their own religious duty.
What would happen if we all came to a place where we were waiting on God to just explode His presence in our church and over our city?????
Book Reading - Visioneering pages 85-88
Book Reflection - These four pages begin the chapter called Going Public.
Vision is not something you do alone. God usually raises up a point person to paint a compelling picture.
An effective vision includes: the problem, the solution, the reason something must be done, and the reason something must be done now.
When communicating your vision you must be able to state your problem that the vision addresses. Often this is not a problem that people don't already know. They may have just gotten accustomed to living in this problem. Visioncasting often wakes people up from their apathy. Presenting the problem provides the context for presenting the solution.
My Prayer - Lord, help me to see clearly the issues of our area. The areas we as the church have allowed to grow where people have become apathetic. Burn this deep within me to the point where I cannot stand it no more.
Posted by
Jason Curlee
11:24 AM
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Bracket Challenge Day 3
All right em' and weep...I am totally thrilled after day number three with my brackets. Day 4 tomorrow...I'm gonna crush all your dreams.
At The Ragamuffin Bracket Challenge - Tied at 1 of 124 with 31 right picks - See The Standings
In the Church Planters Bracket - Tied at 2 of 130 with 30 right picks - See The Standings
At Making Difference Makers - Tied at 5 of 21 with 27 right picks - See The Standings
Posted by
Jason Curlee
10:47 PM
Labels: Miscellaneous
Cheeto Jesus
Leave it to a youth pastor to find this.
Seems a youth pastor in Houston has a Cheeto that looks like Jesus...what do you think??
Me...I can see it.
Can You See Jesus In This Cheeto?
See The News Video
Posted by
Jason Curlee
2:33 PM
Labels: Miscellaneous
50 Day Spiritual Challenge
So I've decided to take this to myspace and beyond. I encourage you to take the challenge and pass it on. Check it out. Here is what I posted:
I encourage you to read and forward this much junk gets forwarded here on myspace...why not start a spiritual revolution.
With Tomorrow being Easter and the Day of Pentecost scheduled on the calendar for May 11th, I have been sensing God challenging me to step it up and position myself spiritually for what he is about to do.
I am going on a 50 day fast/spiritual journey.
I really feel God has been challenging me to take my spiritual life up a notch.
This is going to be a 50 day push beginning today, March 22nd, and will end May 10th. One day before the calendar date for the Day of Pentecost.
Here is what I feel God challenging me to do.
I will be chronicling it on my blog at to help hold myself accountable as well as journal through my thoughts during this time. I believe that will challenge me. You may want to use your own blog or myspace blog as well.
Here Are My Details:
- Pray one hour a day. 50 days = 50 hours
- Read through book of Acts twice during this time.
- I’m also going to read through Visioneering by Andy Stanley. No other books unless I get some on Multi-Sites as this is an area I’m going to focus on.
- Fast one day a week from eating. Only drinking water for a 24 hour period. 7 weeks=7 days
- Cut back to 50 blog subscriptions. And once a week on my fast day not read any of them. This week, I cut it back from 115 to 50. This was a brutal one for me. One of my strengths is being a learner. Through blogging I have made so many friends and it was hard to narrow down to whom to cut and not cut. (Why not cut them all out? Glad you asked...cutting this amount is almost the equivalent of that. It’s like drinking water for me for a day.)
- Cut back on the Podcasts I listen to. Not sure how this one is going to shape up just yet. But I already cut out 10 subscriptions on it at the time I’m writing this.
- I also feel during the last 7 to 10 days God is going to take it up a notch too…not sure how just yet.
The challenge is not so much as for you to fast or do exactly the same as what I am doing. Decide what areas God may challenge you to give up or to step up. I am doing some specific things like the book of Acts and Visioneering…as well as the once a week food fast and praying an hour a day. The blog reading and podcast part is an area I felt God challenging me specifically. I tend to take in an enormous amount of info and during this time I want to limit it to hear more from Him.
For each of you that may be different…it may mean no TV or music…it may mean changing your diet for 50 days in an area…like no sweets or sodas…it may mean doing a Daniel Fast type diet. Ultimately it may mean a variety of things.
It really is about preparing yourself and positioning yourself for whatever God may do.
****** Important Note Over******
If anyone else out there feels like they could accept this challenge, or even part of it, let me know by Leaving A Message For Me On My Myspace at or Leave A Comment At My Post Taking The Cut Up A Notch
I’d like to know specifically who and maybe how you will go though this challenge.
Don’t worry if you weren’t prepared for this today when you are reading it just join in wherever we are and push through to May 10th.
For some of you pastors out there reading this, I encourage you to challenge your team as well and let me know the results.
I encourage you to forward this much junk gets forwarded here on myspace...why not start a spiritual revolution and let me know if you are participating!!!!!
Jason Curlee
jasoncurlee. com
Posted by
Jason Curlee
1:20 PM
Labels: Miscellaneous, Prayer
What Were They Thinking
'los posted something today that I had never thought about before.
What were they thinking?
We know the story but they didn't.
We know He died yesterday 2000 years ago. We know He rises from the grave tomorrow 2000 years ago.
But they didn't.
What were they thinking?????
Posted by
Jason Curlee
11:50 AM
Labels: Thoughts
Journey Day 1
Today is day one of my kind of 50 day spiritual journey. I'm actually using this blog as my accountability partner. David has also jumped on board the journey with me.
Prayer Time - One Hour
Bible Time - Read Acts 1 Amplified Version
Scripture - Acts 1:7 He said to them, It is not for you to become acquainted with and know what time brings [the things and events of time and their definite periods] or fixed years and seasons (their critical niche in time), which the Father has appointed (fixed and reserved) by His own choice and authority and personal power.
Scripture Reflection - As Christians we get caught up in this whole time thing. We are fascinated with prophecy and trying to figure out when Jesus is "coming back". Or what season God has us in...whether we should be doing this or that right now. Should I go with the opportunity before me or is it right.
God has all that lined out. He knows your past, present, and future. Our true responsibility is living in close relationship with Him and fulfilling the mission He has for us. The neat thing about God is that it sometimes doesn't work out as we see it. I am the type of person who likes to have it all planned out. God often through's a monkey wrench into my plans just to keep me seeking Him.
Book Reading - Visioneering Chapter 6
Book Reflection - Since God has the perfect view of our life and where we are going it is vital for us to be in close communion with Him. There are many times we have a vision and we see how we might get there. The real truth about it is that few destinations have only one point of access. There are many alternatives to living out the vision you feel God has laid on your heart. I think this is where I have come to over the past three months.
I have a vision to DOMINATE the Coastal Bend area with the life of Christ. There is more than one way for that to happen. Often we get caught up in how we picture it. I am willing though to lay down something I truly love to allow God to make that vision a reality in this area.
My Prayer - Lord, this is your vision and your responsibility to make it happen. I am just one small part of how you want to do it. I'd rather be a small part of something big...than a big part of something small.
Posted by
Jason Curlee
10:09 AM
Friday, March 21, 2008
Bracketology Baby
I have three brackets going in three groups.
My own at Making Difference Makers.
I have one in the Ragamuffin Bracket Challenge.
And then my last one is in the Church Planters Bracket.
Overall this is how I ended tonight after the first round:
Making Difference Makers - Tied at 15 of 21 with 21 right pics - See The Standings
Ragamuffin Bracket - Tied at 13 of 124 with 24 right picks - See The Standings
Church Planters Bracket - Tied at 47 of 130 with 23 right picks - See The Standings
Posted by
Jason Curlee
7:21 PM
Labels: Making Difference Makers, Miscellaneous
Taking The Cut Up A Notch
Ok friends...nitty gritty time...I feel a fast/spiritual awakening time coming on. If I'm going to do what we are about to do then I'm going to need His presence and fire in me more than ever.
This is going to be a 50 day push beginning tomorrow, March 22nd, and will end May 10th. Here is what I feel God challenging me to do. Don't worry I'm really asking him if He is sure.
I'm going to do my best to chronicle this here. I believe that will challenge me.
If anyone else out there feels like they could accept this challenge, or even part of it, let me know. I could use a partner to help keep me honest.
The Details:
- Cut back to 50 blog subscriptions. And once a week on my fast day not read any of them. Today, I cut it back from 115 to 50. Don't worry Bill I still have both of yours in there...although Batterson, Noble, Arment, Stevens, Morgan, Furtick, and Lamb didn't make the cut. I figure enough people follow them and they wouldn't miss me for 50 days. This was a brutal one for me. I have made so many friends and it was hard to narrow down to who to cut and not cut. If you didn't make it don't take offense. I am also not reading my twitter friends feed during this time. It's just gotten too big for now. (Why not cut them all out? Glad you asked...cutting this amount is almost the equivalent of that. It's like drinking water for me for a day.)
- Read through book of Acts twice during this time. I'm also going to read through Visioneering by Andy Stanley. No other books unless I get some on Multi-Sites.
- Fast one day a week from eating. Only drinking water for a 24 hour period. 7 weeks=7 days
- Pray one hour a day. 50 days = 50 hours
- Cut back on the Podcasts I listen to. Not sure how this one is going to shape up just yet. But I already cut out 10 subscriptions on it at the time I'm writing this.
Posted by
Jason Curlee
9:58 AM
Labels: Church, Church Planting, Personal, Prayer
Just To Be With You
I mixed this video last year for a message we did in the youth ministry we were leading at the time.
What could be better than Third Day, The Passion, and knowing what God did for us on this day?
Posted by
Jason Curlee
9:29 AM
Labels: Video
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Overdo It
I might be guilty of over-doing this...but I'm so pumped about a possible announcement that is coming next week....
The Son is shining through.......HA
Funny...a few of you already know...pays to develop relationships.
Posted by
Jason Curlee
10:35 PM
Labels: Personal
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Had a meeting with this guy last night, who is a pastor on staff with this church for this pastor.
Look for an announcement coming soon. ;)
Posted by
Jason Curlee
9:31 PM
Labels: Church Planting, Life Church, Personal
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Stay Tuned
Pumped about a big meeting I have tomorrow. Hope it goes well and that I will have a big announcement coming soon.
Stay tuned.
Posted by
Jason Curlee
9:28 PM
Labels: Miscellaneous
Friday, March 7, 2008
March Madness
Do you enjoy March Madness like I do???? I created a Making Difference Makers Yahoo March Madness "Bracket Challenge".
If you are a pastor, youth pastor, ministry leader, church volunteer and you enjoy the college basketball march to the final four then join the challenge and see if you can be the top picker in this years brackets.
I have set up a group in yahoo [here's the link] that will track the scores and each weekend I'll be posting the leaders here.
This Sunday is selection Sunday so go ahead and join in now and get ready to make your selections.
Just thought I would break in and create a little community building. Are there any takers out there? Think you can pick the brackets better than me?
I dare you...join in...take the challenge...and spread the word.
I'm really throwing down the gauntlet...this will be for all the bragging rights. Tadd you got the guts, what about you Mark...Perry...John (you into March Madness or just the UFC) about you Dave, Adam, Paul, Russ, Brandon, Troy, Boyd, Tyler, Leonce, Dave, Dave, Terrace, Gary, Chris, Jay...or anyone else out there???????
Let's get it going.
Subscribe to my feed to get notified of my next post.
Posted by
Jason Curlee
4:09 PM
Labels: Miscellaneous
Mind Dumps
Am I the only one tired of posts that are: Random Mind-dumps,18 bullet point Reflections, Sunday Thoughts.
Do you know the kind I'm talking about????
Don't know what big Pastor blogger started it...but everyone jumped on board with it.
Know I skip them altogether. They aren't practical, they are so random with no flow, the good stuff in them is not elaborated on. Plus it's not really good writing.
Right now, when I see them I just skip them altogether.
What are your thoughts on these kind of posts????
Subscribe to my feed to get notified of my next post.
Posted by
Jason Curlee
7:38 AM
Labels: Blogging
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Organizing The Cut
No cuts today...yet. But I did organize everyone I read into catagories in my Google Reader and added some widgets to the page. If you are reading this by RSS feed check the page and if your not in there let me know. I would like to have readers of this blog in there.
Still not totally finished.
Subscribe to my feed to get notified of my next post.
Posted by
Jason Curlee
2:43 PM
Labels: Blogging
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
The Cut Continues
That's 10 more subscriptions cut from by Google Reader. I'm down to 113. I've cutout 20 in the last two days. I have also organized them into categories. That's one of the cool things I like about Google Reader. When I'm finished I'm going to put some links on the side of my blog to all the various categories I feel are important here.
I wonder if you made the cut.
Subscribe to my feed to get notified of my next post.javascript:void(0)
Publish Post
Posted by
Jason Curlee
5:00 PM
Labels: Blogging
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
The Cut Has Begun
Ok...I still want your thoughts on this but 10 didn't make the cut.
If you are a reader of either of my blogs and you have a blog yourself let me know. I don't want to cut you out.
Subscribe to my feed to get notified of my next post in this series.
Posted by
Jason Curlee
2:12 PM
Labels: Blogging
Beware The Cutting
Today I looked at my Google Reader and I have 133 subscriptions. 133!!!! That is a whole lot of blogs I follow.
Now I don't read every single post but I am finding that I am skimming through a lot of them.
My dilemna: Do I cut out a whole bunch? Many I read because they are a great resource to what I'm doing. Many others I read have been friends I have developed a relationship with through blogging. And where do I start cutting???????
I will be honest...I'm not getting much from the big dogs of pastor bloggers. I may start with theirs.
What are your thoughts? I feel I can handle about a 100 of them due to the nature of how I speed though the posts.
Subscribe to my feed to get notified of my next post in this series.
Posted by
Jason Curlee
1:58 PM
Labels: Blogging