Sunday, January 20, 2008

Wordpress Problems

For a brief moment I was thinking about a transition to Wordpress. Unfortunately that is on hold right now.

Reason why is that I have been using it temporarily for our church site. It has many great features that blogger doesn't have. One is being able to create separate pages that make it look more like a website vs. just a blog. Another is creating a static home page which I think is really cool when you want to use it like a website.

Today, as I was working on my pages each time I saved a page, one other page would disappear. In fact all of the work I had originally done is now gone. Which honestly bites. I didn't realize I should have exported all the pages so that I would have it. I wasn't doing anything unusual or out of the ordinary. In fact, I was doing things I had done before on the site.

If anyone else has experienced this through wordpress let me know. For now, I am evaluating everything until we purchase our web hosting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you using a free wordpress account or did you download the platform from and install it?

I'm a Wordpress consultant and might be able to help you get use Wordpress for your church's website. I'm also a Worship Leader for my church.